How to use positive affirmations to support your mental health and wellbeing — Calm Blog (2024)

Positive affirmations can help shift your thoughts. Discover how positive affirmations work, learn when to use them, and explore our favorite affirmations.

When it comes to nurturing mental health and wellbeing, the words we repeat to ourselves play a crucial role. Positive affirmations—simple yet powerful statements—can be supportive, helping to lead to a happier, more confident, lower-stress life.

Learn what positive affirmations are, how they work, and the common misconceptions to help you incorporate affirmations into your daily routine.

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are uplifting statements or phrases you repeat to yourself to help combat negative or self-sabotaging thoughts. These affirmations act as gentle reminders to reinforce a positive self-image and an optimistic outlook toward life. They can remind you of your strength, capability, and worth.

The effectiveness of affirmations comes from their repetition. By frequently affirming positive statements, you can create a pattern of optimistic thoughts. Over time, these positive thoughts can overshadow the negative self-talk that can often creep for many of us during challenging periods.

The difference between positive affirmations and toxic positivity

Toxic positivity is the overemphasis on maintaining a happy or positive outlook, often dismissing the complexity of human emotions and individual experiences. It's what happens when you gloss over problems or emotions with a facade of positivity rather than facing and dealing with them authentically.

Toxic positivity tends to dismiss any “negative” emotions, urging individuals to focus only on the “positive” aspects, which can lead to emotional invalidation.

A common misconception is that positive affirmations promote toxic positivity and encourage you to ignore negative emotions. However, positive affirmations can foster a more positive mindset while also acknowledging and processing negative feelings.

They’re not used to dismiss the reality of situations or suppress your true feelings. Instead, they help you empower yourself to meet challenges with a stronger, more optimistic approach.

When you use affirmations, you’re telling yourself that—despite the hurdles—you have the capability and the strength to overcome them. Practiced mindfully, positive affirmations can help bolster self-esteem and enhance overall mental wellness.

How do positive affirmations work?

Positive affirmations are rooted in self-affirmation theory: Helping you maintain a positive self-image to influence your attitudes and behaviors.

Positive affirmations can create new neural pathways: The brain's ability to adapt can enable the creation of new, positive neural pathways. Repeated positive affirmations can gradually make positive thinking a habit through this mechanism.

Positive affirmations can help tackle cognitive dissonance: When there’s a mismatch between your beliefs and actions, positive affirmations can help align your thoughts and activities with your desired outcomes, promoting a coherent self-image.

Positive affirmations can train your brain: Repeating positive affirmations is like training your brain towards more positive empowering thinking, just like physical training shapes your muscles.

Positive affirmations are simple phrases with a significant impact: Even simple phrases like “I am capable” or “I deserve love” can work behind the scenes to craft a positive and empowering narrative about yourself that helps to boost resilience.

Positive affirmations are diverse and inclusive: Affirmations can be applied specifically to your circ*mstances, making the practice inclusive and adaptable for everyone.

Positive affirmations go beyond a feel-good activity: Grounded in solid psychological and neurological principles, positive affirmations may help you foster a more positive self-image and an optimistic outlook on life’s challenges and opportunities.

How long should positive affirmations be? And why is it important to keep them short?

The choice of words for your positive affirmations is vast, but it's beneficial to keep them concise. Short, positive affirmations are specific and easy to remember, making them practical for daily use, particularly during challenging or stressful situations.

Imagine you're nervous before a big presentation or meeting. Having a short, impactful phrase like “I am confident” or “I am capable” can serve as a quick mental boost, helping to shift your mindset from doubt to self-assurance.

How you can use positive affirmations to benefit your mental health

Harnessing the benefits of positive affirmations can be a supportive practice when it comes to your mental health. Integrating positive affirmations into your daily routine can set a foundation for a mentally and emotionally healthier you.

Through this practice, you’re not only encouraged to foster a supportive inner dialogue, but you can also significantly impact your outlook on life, your relationships, and your overall happiness and wellbeing.

1. Reduce your stress levels

Recite positive affirmations during stressful times to help shift your focus from stressors to a place of capability. Try phrases such as “I can do hard things.”

💙 Stress can really weigh you down. Learn how to Overcome Stress and Anxiety with Dr. Julie Smith.

2. Boost your self-confidence with an affirmation

Remind yourself of your worth and abilities through affirmations. “I am lovable, I am worthy, I am enough” are all affirmations that may help foster a sense of self-assurance.

💙 You can enhance confidence for all those key moments in life with our Confidence Series.

3. Improve your mood

Use uplifting affirmations like “I deserve to feel light, happy, and free,” to encourage a positive shift in your emotions and help you to feel better when your mood is low.

4. Enhance your emotional resilience with affirmations

You can uplevel your own emotional resilience by affirming your strength and adaptability. Tell yourself, “I may not be there yet, but look how far I've come.”

5. Affirm self-compassion

Use affirmations to remind yourself of your humanity and worthiness when feeling overwhelmed. Repeat “I deserve my own compassion” to nurture a gentle attitude towards yourself.

6. Explore how affirmations may enhance positive relationships

Foster understanding and compassion with phrases like “We all just want to be loved” to help nurture positive relationships.

💙 Relationships can be challenging. Our Relationship with Others series sheds light on how to handle your relationships with a mindful touch.

7. Boost your mindfulness practice

Incorporating affirmations that promote presence and acceptance, such as “I can experience this moment without judgment,” can deepen your mindfulness practice.

💙 Positive affirmations are just one way to be mindful and kind to yourself. Learn more tips and tools with Mindfulness for Beginners with Jeff Warren.

8. Lean into a more hope-filled outlook

Cultivate a positive outlook by reciting affirmations that reflect hope and optimism when you’re feeling hopeless, like “I have the power to take my life in a new direction.”

9. Encourage yourself to adopt a growth mindset

Use affirmations as a foundation for building a growth mindset. Phrases like “I am more capable than I realize” can contribute to a broader perspective shift towards resilience and self-assurance.

10. Support your overall wellbeing

Embrace affirmations as a part of your daily routine to support your overall mental and emotional wellbeing. Phrases such as “I deserve my own care and attention” can help promote a holistic approach to your health.

💙 Affirming yourself positively is an important part of self-care. Learn more about how to nurture yourself with our Radical Self-Care series.

Try affirming yourself daily

Incorporating affirmations like these into your day can be a soothing and empowering practice. You might recite them during moments of reflection or write them down as part of a daily journaling practice. Over time, these affirmations can become your inner voice of encouragement.

Try bringing some of these affirmations to your daily routine to support your journey towards better mental health and wellbeing:

  1. I give myself permission to grow at my own pace.

  2. I trust in the timing of my life.

  3. I am not my thoughts, feelings, or fears.

  4. My feelings are valid.

  5. My wellbeing is a priority.

  6. I am allowed to put my needs first.

  7. I choose to be kind to myself.

  8. I appreciate myself just the way I am at this moment.

  9. I give myself permission to struggle.

  10. I can and I will.

💙 Try using one of our five Calm Journals to get you started.

Positive affirmations FAQs

What are daily positive affirmations?

Daily positive affirmations are upbeat statements or phrases you repeat to yourself every day that can foster a positive mindset and encourage personal growth. These affirmations can vary from person to person, reflecting personal goals, values, or areas of self-improvement.

The practice is about consciously choosing words to help eliminate something from your life or help create something new. Daily affirmations like “I am deserving of success” or “I trust the journey, even when I don’t understand it” can help shape a proactive and positive outlook toward your life.

What are 3 positive affirmations?

  • “I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what I can’t.”

  • “I’m becoming a better version of myself every day.”

  • “I choose happiness.”

Repeating positive affirmations can have a profound impact on your mindset. It can help align your actions with your personal and professional goals.

Which affirmation is most powerful?

The power of an affirmation largely depends on how relevant and helpful it is for you. An affirmation that closely aligns with your beliefs, values, and state of mind will likely be the most powerful for you.

However, a universally empowering affirmation could be: “I have the power to create change.” This affirmation reinforces the idea of personal agency and the ability to positively influence the circ*mstances of your life.

What is a positive affirmation for difficult times?

During difficult times, a reassuring affirmation like “I am resilient and capable of overcoming challenges” can be supportive. This affirmation acknowledges the existence of challenges while also reinforcing your capability and resilience in navigating through them.

How to use positive affirmations to support your mental health and wellbeing — Calm Blog (2024)


How to use positive affirmations to support your mental health and wellbeing — Calm Blog? ›

Positive affirmations are uplifting statements or phrases you repeat to yourself to help combat negative or self-sabotaging thoughts. These affirmations act as gentle reminders to reinforce a positive self-image and an optimistic outlook toward life. They can remind you of your strength, capability, and worth.

How do positive affirmations help mental health? ›

Positive affirmations are uplifting statements or phrases you repeat to yourself to help combat negative or self-sabotaging thoughts. These affirmations act as gentle reminders to reinforce a positive self-image and an optimistic outlook toward life. They can remind you of your strength, capability, and worth.

How do you use positive affirmations effectively? ›

The following points can help you to write the affirmation statement that best fits your needs.
  1. Think about the areas of your life that you'd like to change. ...
  2. Be sure that your affirmation is credible and achievable. ...
  3. Turn negatives into positives. ...
  4. Write your affirmation in the present tense. ...
  5. Say it with feeling.

How do you rewire your brain with affirmations? ›

Repeat your affirmations regularly

The more you repeat your affirmations, the more powerful they become. Try repeating them daily, either in the morning or before bed, or incorporate them into your meditation or visualisation practice.

What is emotional affirmation? ›

Affirmations are positive statements that help you deal with negative feelings, thoughts, and situations. This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won't change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things.

What happens if you listen to positive affirmations everyday? ›

Positive affirmations are a self-help strategy that puts that saying into practice. These daily sayings can help you overcome self-doubt, self-sabotage and fear. Psychologist Lauren Alexander, PhD, explains how daily positive affirmations can help you face the world with a belief in yourself and your abilities.

How do you use positive affirmations for anxiety? ›

To affirm control over anxiety, choose affirmations that emphasize your power and ability to manage your feelings. Phrases like, "I am in control of my peace," or, "I have the power to calm my mind," are examples. These affirmations reinforce the idea that you have agency over your thoughts and emotions.

How powerful are positive affirmations? ›

By repeating these affirmations regularly, you can rewire your subconscious mind and attract positive experiences into your life. Benefits of Incorporating Positive Affirmations: Boosts Self-Confidence: Affirmations can help you overcome self-doubt and build a strong sense of self-worth.

Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

One of the most powerful positive affirmations I know is "I am capable and deserving of all the good things that come into my life." This affirmation helps to build self-confidence and reminds us that we are worthy of success and happiness.

Can you reprogram your subconscious mind with affirmations? ›

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind and create a more positive mindset. Here are some tips on how to use positive affirmations effectively: Identify the negative beliefs: Identify the negative self-talk or beliefs that you want to change.

How long does it take to rewire your brain with affirmations? ›

For example, it takes 72 hours for us to create a new neural connection. It is important to remember that repetition is another key which means we must continuously repeat our affirmations to truly reinforce our positive belief from being a statement into an undeniable belief.

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What are affirmations in mental health? ›

Affirmations are brief statements or phrases that can be said aloud or in your head. These are used to build confidence, and self-esteem and to affirm yourself. These can be particularly helpful during difficult or emotional times.

Why 21 days for affirmations? ›

The practice of writing affirmations for 21 days is rooted in the psychological theory that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.

Does positive thinking help mental health? ›

Positive thinking has been linked to less stress, better problem-solving skills, and a better sense of well-being all around. Also, studies have shown that positive thinking can increase lifespan, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses.

Do positive affirmations work for depression? ›

Although positive affirmations aren't a cure for depression, they can be a helpful addition to a treatment plan for some. Positive affirmations may help retrain your brain to see yourself or your situation in a more helpful and balanced way, leading to improvements in mood and some depression symptoms.

What does affirmation do to the brain? ›

When we repeat affirmations, we are essentially creating new, positive neural pathways in our brains that will eventually become just as strong – if not stronger – than our negative ones. Every time you repeat an affirmation to yourself, you are reinforcing your neural pathways and making them stronger.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.