New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (2024)

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So I am sat thinking about what we should have for dinners next week and all of a sudden my mind wanders off into a vast field. In my mind’s eyes, I am seeing a lot of my personal favourites over the years. Has that ever happened to you?

I thought of the range of new recipes I learned in my last two schools when my GCSE students wanted to make them and asked my opinion. Those were some stressful days, as, no matter how much I told the kids they needed the whole recipe, they always just wrote or printed off the name of the recipe, and the ingredients listed. What a nightmare that used to be.

Then I thought about foods I had gotten from trips to restaurants or to different countries and how much I enjoyed them.

Just before I ‘woke up’, I thought of our time on Shop Smart Save Money and the dishes we cooked on the show.

The long and short of this is that for next week, we are going to be revisiting some of our favourite foods from growing up, from our friends, from holidays, and one from our time on Shop Smart Save Money. Next week is going to be a good one. We do have a packed schedule each day, including working with brands, a mammogram, a dental appointment, and scraping out what we hope to be the last of the ‘summer sun’, so we need to be well organised with everything we need.

New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (1)

A quick check of the cupboards tells us we have a lot of herbs and spices that need using up, and we also have a lot of veggies in the fridge that need using up too. We also have the bulk of the store cupboard ingredients for the dishes I am dreaming up. We will need to buy some meat and other ingredients too. Still, a quick walk up to Aldi will satisfy our need to walk for at least half an hour and also we hope to find the few bits and pieces we need at a cheaper price than going for a drive to Asda or Tesco.

So here’s our plan for next week using some of our favourite recipes


Sunday Roast dinner

The traditional British Sunday Roast has never been a tradition in our house but this Sunday we will do one using my Mary Berry inspired recipe for Yorkshire puddings. We know the girls love the Yorkies especially and we mostly love the oohs and aahs we get when we smash making them. We think they look amazing, don’t you?

New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (2)


Chicken Biryani

This is the first time I am going to attempt to make a Biryani. Ever since I got some from a friend, I have watched at least 20 videos on making it! Then another friend gave me some and I am hooked. I just love that mix of flavours. I am also hoping to do it in a slow cooker. Since before the summer, I bought this packet mix and I am hoping to use it to make mine.

New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (3)

If you do have any top tips for us on how to make this easy and flavoursome, do let us know.


Three Cheese Macaroni and Cheese

The one we made for the tv show is so cheesy, we won’t cook any meat or another protein source. We will just have it with a salad. So many persons have said they like the fact that the top is so crunchy and yet the inside is so creamy, soft and cheesy. We may or may not add the turkey slices, it all depends on whether or not there is any in on Tuesday. To be honest, it doesn’t really need it.

New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (4)


Sweet and Sour Chicken with rice

We haven’t had this in a long time and, to be honest, we do try to stay away from it as it is too much sweet than we want to have. So this will be a treat for us and we will enjoy this homestyle fakeaway. It is so simple to make but if you don’t know, you just don’t know.

New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (5)


Seasoned rice

This might sound funny to some people reading this but it is a really simple dish that uses whatever you have in to make a one-pot rice dish that is really cool! We usually rely on a pack of Maggi flavour cubes or noodles to add more flavour.


Fish curry with Polenta (turned cornmeal)

New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (6)

Saturday favourite recipe

Oven chicken and chips

We do love spicy foods and these spicy chicken pieces from Farmfoods always hit the spot when we feel like having a fix of spicy chicken and chips. It’s easy to just pop them in the oven, turn then over once midway through, and then give them another 15 minutes in the hot oven. Depending on whether we have them in or not, we might do some mozzarella balls and or garlic bread.

There goes just a small gist of some of the foods we like and long to eat.

What foods are you dreaming of? Why don’t you cook some of them and bring the nostalgia back? Do share with us and Katy Kicker as we share meal planning ideas each week.


New Meal Plan With Recent Favourite Recipes - joleisa (2024)


How do I use ChatGPT as a meal planner? ›

Ask ChatGPT for Ideas:

You can start a conversation like this: - "I have these ingredients: [list your ingredients]. What can I make with them?" - "I want to make a meal using [specific ingredient].

How do you plan a family meal? ›

Write a list of the foods your family likes to eat and keep it taped inside the kitchen cabinet. When you try a new recipe that everyone likes, add it to the list. Make enough menus for about a two-week cycle. Plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, or five to six “mini-meals” per day.

How does meal planning work? ›

Is the action of deciding meals in advance using your schedule, preferences, foods on hand, seasonal produce, sale items, etc. Consequently, meal planning usually leads to grocery shopping once a week, for only the items needed and having others (e.g. family) involved in creating the menu.

Can you use ChatGPT for recipes? ›

Once you've created your account, you can use ChatGPT to generate recipe ideas right away! The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface that allows you to input your preferences and create recipe ideas quickly.

Can you use ChatGPT as a nutritionist? ›

While ChatGPT may be able to provide general nutrition advice, it lacks accuracy when there are medical conditions involved—especially when there is more than one condition present. It also cannot integrate the emotional side of eating and health, which are important components of overall health and well-being.

How do I create a meal plan for my macros? ›

A basic strategy would be to divide your total daily targets including calories, carbs, fat and protein by four. This would give you even macro targets for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Then, divide that 1/4 number by two to get the target macros for your two snacks.

How do I find the right meal plan for me? ›

Look for these features:
  1. Flexibility. A flexible plan uses a variety of foods from all the major food groups. ...
  2. Balance. Your plan should include the right amount of nutrients and calories. ...
  3. Likeability. A plan should include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for life. ...
  4. Activity.

How many meals should you eat a day? ›

In Western culture, it is a common idea that the daily food intake should be divided into three square meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Often dieticians suggest adding two snacks (morning and afternoon) to help appetite control, and indeed the mainstream media message is to eat “five to six times a day”.

What are the 4 steps in the meal plan? ›

4 Ways to Make Meal Planning Easier
  1. Decide on meals. Make a simple weekly menu of meals your family enjoys. ...
  2. Check for ingredients at home. See what you already have in your pantry or fridge. ...
  3. Set aside time to shop and cook. ...
  4. Make a shopping list with your budget in mind.

What is a family style meal? ›

“Family-style” is a method of dining where servers place all components of a meal on the table and allow everyone to serve themselves. They place large serving dishes in the middle of the table. In this way, everyone can reach the offerings and choose what they want.

What are the 5 rules in planning meals? ›

They are:
  • Adequacy.
  • Balance.
  • Variety.
  • Moderation.
  • Nourishment.
Jan 28, 2020

What is the rule of 3 meal plan? ›

The Rule of 3's is made up specifically of these guidelines: Eat at least three meals and up to three snacks a day (you might think of this as a breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal plan) Eat at least three food groups per meal (and two per snack) Allow no more than three hours between eating.

Do I really need a meal plan? ›

Whether you're cooking for your entire family or just yourself, taking the time to plan your meals for the week ahead is definitely worth the effort. The key is just to set aside a little bit of time each week to do it. Veri advises, "Just take one meal at a time. Try to make the best choice possible for that meal!"

Is there an app to enter macros and create a meal plan? ›

for Your Macros. Get instant, personalized meal plans with the Prospre meal plan generator. "I have lost 60 pounds with this app! ... This app is the ONLY system that has worked for me and I know I can easily carry these new habits for the rest of my life.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.