How To Use Affirmations Correctly (2024)

Finally! You are now using affirmations to combat any negativity that stands in your way of attaining your goals. Positive affirmations are a great way to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence.

You’ll need guidance before you dive into this habit, so seek it now. If you are uncertain of what this practice entails, you may not be able to fully benefit from it.

It’s possible that you’ll think it’s strange that you’re “talking to yourself” or that you’ll even underestimate the benefits of affirmations.

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (1)

Nonetheless, you’ll notice that, over the course of 20 to 30 days, you’ll develop a more positive outlook.

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you go about your daily affirmation routine.

5 Effective Ways To Use Positive Affirmations Correctly

1. Speak Your Affirmation With Confidence

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (2)

It would be best to say affirmations confidently daily and repeatedly, and our tone should reflect that confidence and repetition. Right?

However, while you don’t have to sound like you’re auditioning for the college cheerleading squad, there is a grain of truth in the old saying “Say it loud. Say it proud.”

Instead, when you affirm a positive message, you are also activating your sense of hearing and instilling this truth into your subconscious mind.

So, if you can clearly hear yourself as you repeat the affirmation, it is likely that your thinking and conduct will follow suit over time as well. Also, don’t forget to say affirmations out loud.

2. Create or Select Affirmations That Has A Meaning For You

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (3)

Affirmations that align with your core values outperform generalizations or randomizations.

Repeating an affirmation that has a personal meaning in your life will help you achieve a positive attitude in the future. Repetition can make the “reward center” of the brain active.

While this makes the practice easier to keep, it may also motivate you to create your own affirmations that have personal meaning for you. In this area of the essay, do not over-analyze your personality or current situation. This activity should be as unstructured as possible. If you’re still unsure, run your list by a trusted friend or family member.

3. Incorporate Other Healthy Practices

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (4)

Another recommendation is to combine your practice of making positive affirmations with other healthy lifestyle changes to maximize their effectiveness.

When it comes to maintaining excellent health, the mind and the bodywork are in close collaboration, therefore it only makes sense to incorporate further adjustments that include any of the following:

  • Deep Breathing can help achieve relaxation.
  • Meditation is a great way to start your day (read about the benefits of meditation here)
  • Walking, for example, is a low-impact aerobic activity.
  • Stretching and/or strength training is recommended.
  • A well-balanced diet can help you have more energy throughout the day.
  • Sleep cycles that are consistent

Having feelings of ‘well-being’ is associated with having good mental and physical health. It’s more likely that you’ll be feeling your best physically as well, as previously said. Furthermore, you’ll benefit from a double dose of happiness while you’re feeling your best emotionally.

4. Select A Time Of The Day And Stick With It

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (5)

To properly utilize positive affirmations, set up a specific period, or possibly two or three times during the day, to do so.

The time when you choose to do your affirmations doesn’t affect success as long as you are not distracted by any other things.

Of course, your ability to maintain consistency and tenacity will be determined by your personal commitment, but here are some suggestions to consider:

  • In the morning, immediately upon waking up
  • Turn off your brain and relax before bed.
  • Plan your activities ahead of time.

Therefore, the time you choose is not as important as maintaining a consistent habit on a consistent basis every day.

5. Don’t Overthink

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (6)

You can attempt other tactics as an alternative to just repeating your affirmations. Some options are lighting a candle, playing soothing music, or choosing the right affirmation for the situation.

Affirmations can be generated by yourself or by influencing the room’s circ*mstances.

As a result, avoid devoting excessive time and effort to each and every detail. The important fact is that you are focused on the subject at hand and that your mind is clear of distractions.

BONUS: Have a Sense of Gratitude

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (7)

When learning how to use positive affirmations correctly, gratitude is an important component to consider.

For example, if you recite your affirmations for an hour and then grumble for the next 23 hours, your efforts will go unrewarded.

Although bumps in the road cannot be avoided, you can still ensure that your actions are consistent with your words.

Affirmations are not a magic spell that can magically remove all of the difficulties in your life. Their purpose is to remind you of your blessings and focus your attention and energy on them.

To give you an example, try inserting ideas that are related to appreciation, such as the following:

  • I am grateful for my family.
  • My career makes me happy.
  • I recognize and respect my abilities in…

To understand how to use positive affirmations properly, keep in mind the following points:

  • Complete the workout at least once a day for a minimum of one month.
  • Make an effort to arrange affirmations at the same time every day.
  • Create or find affirmations that are meaningful to you on a personal level.
  • Combine this practice with other healthy adjustments to have the best results.

To End This Article…

When utilized correctly, an affirmation can have a significant impact on the mind’s decision on what to believe.

To overcome negative or unhelpful beliefs, we strongly recommend the employment of positive affirmations. To achieve a positive mindset, you must first cultivate a good attitude conducive to success and happiness.

How To Use Affirmations Correctly (2024)


How To Use Affirmations Correctly? ›

Repeat the affirmation at least once a day but not more than three times a day. When you do, believe in it. 4. Always repeat the affirmation for 4-5 minutes.

How many times should I repeat affirmations? ›

Repeat the affirmation at least once a day but not more than three times a day. When you do, believe in it. 4. Always repeat the affirmation for 4-5 minutes.

How many days does it take for affirmations to work? ›

On average, it takes affirmations 22 days to work.

Do affirmations really work? ›

Practicing affirmations daily can help you cope with hardship and overcome adversity while helping you maintain a holistic view of yourself, both the areas in need of improvement and your strengths and resilience. Positive affirmations can also help: improve your mindset. motivate you to achieve your goals.

Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

One of the most powerful positive affirmations I know is "I am capable and deserving of all the good things that come into my life." This affirmation helps to build self-confidence and reminds us that we are worthy of success and happiness.

Why 21 days for affirmations? ›

Why write affirmations for 21 Days. The practice of writing affirmations for 21 days is rooted in the psychological theory that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.

How long does it take to reprogram your subconscious mind? ›

So how long does it take to reprogram your subconscious mind? On average it takes about three to four weeks – but it could take longer. The answer will depend on how deeply ingrained the behavior is that you want to change, as well as your own limiting beliefs.

What happens if you listen to positive affirmations everyday? ›

Positive affirmations are a self-help strategy that puts that saying into practice. These daily sayings can help you overcome self-doubt, self-sabotage and fear. Psychologist Lauren Alexander, PhD, explains how daily positive affirmations can help you face the world with a belief in yourself and your abilities.

What is the best time for affirmations? ›

Say Them in the Morning

Many people enjoy saying affirmations in the morning, right after they wake up. At that time, your mind is fresh. So, find a few minutes before beginning the day to repeat your affirmations. That way, you will start the morning right with a dose of positivity.

Are affirmations better at night or morning? ›

Personally though, from my experience, one of the best times to practice affirmations is at night before bed. If we focus on negative thinking and worry and stress before we fall asleep, our subconscious mind will become more active as we try to solve our problems.

Do overnight affirmations work? ›

Research suggests affirmations can help people change their behaviors, so affirmations can be used strategically to help a person engage in behaviors that promote sleep, like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and other healthy sleep habits.

Can I say affirmations in my head? ›

You can repeat them to yourself mentally, but it will not have the same powerful effect as repeating them out loud, so that your subconscious mind can hear them out loud through the additional senses your ears provide.

Do affirmations rewire your brain? ›

Thanks to neuroscience research, it has been found that certain neural pathways are increased when we practise self-affirmation. Therefore, reinforcing that affirmations are one of the best ways to turn old negative beliefs and thinking into new positive ones.

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What can I say to attract money? ›

20 money affirmations
  • I am in control of my financial wellness.
  • My net worth is not my self-worth.
  • I am at peace with my portfolio.
  • I believe I have all the money I need.
  • My money goes to what I value.
  • I deserve the money that I earn.
  • I am a great giver of financial gifts.
  • My money works hard for me.

What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using? ›

3 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Day
  1. I expect to win. I deserve to win. ...
  2. I will not care what other people think. Fear of people is another major obstacle on the road to success. ...
  3. I can't do everything today, but I can take one small step.
Apr 4, 2016

Should you repeat the same affirmations everyday? ›

Repeat your affirmations.

Whether you're talking aloud or to yourself, it helps to say the same positive affirmation repeatedly at first. Hearing things aloud can be more impactful than just saying them in your head. Say your affirmations aloud during the day and write them down on notecards or sticky notes.

Do you need to repeat affirmations? ›

Keep Using It

For example, if you decide it's going to be for the morning, make it part of your morning routine. Repeat it as many times as you need. Practicing affirmations regularly is key to their effectiveness, especially if you're trying to change thinking patterns or behaviors.

Is too much affirmation bad? ›

While some studies suggest that positive affirmations can improve mood and self-esteem, other studies have shown that they have no effect or may even decrease mood and self-esteem, particularly for people with low self-esteem to begin with.

What happens when you repeat positive affirmations? ›

Affirmations are repeated positive statements designed to bring about a desired result. The repetitious aspect is meant to influence and trigger the subconscious mind into positive action. They are helpful in pursuing personal development and setting goals. "It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.