A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (2024)

  • A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (1)
  • A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (2)
  • A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (3)
  • A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (4)


Welcome to our weekly dose of inspiration and motivation! As we embark on a new week, it’s the perfect time to set the tone for the days ahead with a positive mindset and empowered outlook. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, but it’s how we approach each day that truly makes a difference.

In this post, I present a list of affirmations, spanning from A to Z, designed to infuse your week with optimism, self-belief, and unwavering determination. These affirmations serve as reminders that within you lies the power to shape your reality, overcome obstacles, and nurture your personal growth.

So, whether you’re seeking a confidence boost, a shift in mindset, or simply a daily dose of positivity, join me in embracing these affirmations as you navigate through the week.

For best results, repeat these affirmations daily to set the tone for a successful and empowered week. And feel free to refer to this list as often as you need, or take a copy and hang it up in your workspace. I have a copy on my screensaver for visual effect, but whatever works for you.

So without any further adieu – let’s dive into this alphabet of empowerment and make this week one of self-discovery, growth, and endless possibilities!

Table of Contents

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (5)

A = Aspire

Aspire to be your greatest self, reaching for the stars and acheiving your dreams. Reflect on your passions and set ambitious goals that push you beyond your comfort zone.

B = Begin

Begin each day with a fresh perspective, embracing new opportunities and challenges. Approach your week with an open heart, ready to learn and grow.

C = Courage

Have courage in all your endevors, knowing that you posesss the strength to overcome any obstacles. Embrace challenges as stepping stones to your success.

D = Determination

Fuel your week with determination, reminding yourself that your persistence leads to success. Stay focused on your goals and maintain your enthusiasm.

E = Empower

Empower yourself with positive thoughts and actions, recognizing your own potential. Choose to lift yourself up and believe in your capabilities.

F = Fearless

Be fearless in the face of uncertainty, knowing that growth often happens outside your comfort zone. Embrace change and take calculated risks.

G = Gratitude

Practice gratitude for the present moment and the journey that has brought you here. Start and end each day with appreciation for the little things.

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (7)

H = Hope

Hold onto hope even in difficult times, believing in the brighter days that lie ahead. Use hope as your guiding light during challenges.

I = Inspire

Inspire those around you with your passion, kindness, and unwavering enthusiasm. Your positive energy can create a ripple effect of motivation.

J = Joy

Choose joy in every situation, finding the silver lining and spreading happiness. Infuse your actions with a sense of delight and contentment.

We’d love to hear from you! What’s your favorite affirmation from the list so far? Or perhaps you have a personal experience related to one of these affirmations that you’d like to share. Feel free to comment below and let’s inspire each other as we journey through this week of empowerment.

K = Kindness

Radiate kindness and compassion, creating a positive ripple effect in your interactions. Small acts of kindness can make a big impact.

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (8)

L = Love

Embrace self-love and share love with others, nurturing meaningful connections. Remember that love is a powerful force that transcends boundaries.

M = Mindfulness

Practice mindfulness to stay grounded in the present moment and reduce stress. Cultivate awareness and make conscious choices.

Becoming Self-Aware: 8 Ways To Empower Your Choices To Make Faster, More Effective Decisions In Your Daily Life

N = Nurture

Nurture your body, mind, and soul, prioritizing self-care and well-being. Create a balance between work and self-renewal.

O =Optimism

Embrace optimism as a driving force, believing that setbacks are stepping stones to success. Cultivate a positive outlook on challenges.

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (9)

P = Persevere

Persevere through challenges, knowing that your resilience will lead you to triumph. Keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles.

Q = Quiet

Find moments of quiet reflection to recharge and connect with your inner self. Silence can provide clarity and rejuvenation.

R = Resilience

Cultivate resilience by bouncing back stronger from adversity and setbacks. Your ability to adapt and grow is a testament to your strength.

S = Self-Belief

Believe in yourself and your abilities, recognizing that your potential knows no bounds. Your self-belief fuels your actions.

T = Thrive

Strive not just to survive but to thrive in all aspects of your life. Aim for personal and professional growth.

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (10)

U = Unwavering

Maintain an unwavering focus on your goals, staying committed to your aspirations. Your determination will lead you forward.

V = Vision

Visualize your success and map out the steps to turn your vision into reality. Clarity of vision paves the way for achievement.

W = Wisdom

Seek wisdom from your experiences and challenges, using them as stepping stones for growth. Reflect on what you’ve learned.

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (11)

X =Xenial (hospitable and friendly)

Embrace a xenial approach, fostering warmth and openness in your interactions. Make genuine connections with others.

Y = Yearn

Yearn for continuous growth and improvement, embracing learning as a lifelong journey. Embody a growth mindset.

Z = Zeal

Approach your week with unbridled zeal and enthusiasm, infusing every moment with passion. Let your excitement fuel your actions.

The great thing about affirmations is that you can also create your own to apply to any situation.


As we conclude this empowering journey through the alphabet of affirmations, remember that the power to create positive change and growth lies within you. Each affirmation serves as a gentle reminder that you are capable of overcoming challenges, nurturing self-love, and striving for your dreams.

By embodying these affirmations, you’re taking proactive steps toward a more empowered and fulfilling life.

As you move through the week ahead, carry these affirmations with you, let them guide your actions, and watch as your journey unfolds with newfound strength and purpose. Here’s to a week of self-discovery, growth, and endless possibilities.

A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (12)

We’re excited to hear your thoughts! Have any of these affirmations resonated with you? Share your experiences, insights, or personal mantras that align with our affirmations. Your contribution could inspire others to embrace a positive mindset and empowered perspective.

Feel free to share in the comments below and let’s continue to uplift and motivate one another.

Remember, you have the power to make each day extraordinary, stay, positive, be inspired – the point is to DEW BETTER, right?!

Until next time, have a good week & feel great about you – you’re on the road to Dew’ing Better, Honey!

Other Affirmation Articles for More Motivation

  1. “35 Affirmations That Will Change Your Life” on Lifehack:
  1. “100 Positive Affirmations for Success That Will Change Your Life” on Develop Good Habits:
  1. “50 Positive Affirmations for Success and Prosperity” on Inc.:
  1. “Affirmations for Self-Esteem and Confidence” on Verywell Mind:
  1. “50 Positive Affirmations to Transform Your Life” on PositivePsychology.com:
A To Z Affirmations For A Positive And Empowered Week ... (2024)


What are powerful affirmations to say daily? ›

I am constantly growing and evolving into a better person. I'm freeing myself from all destructive doubt and fear. I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power and confidence of mind and of heart. I am going to forgive myself and free myself.

What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using? ›

3 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Day
  • I expect to win. I deserve to win.
  • I will not care what other people think.
  • I can't do everything today, but I can take one small step.
Apr 4, 2016

What is a positive affirmation for the beginning of the week? ›

I am full of energy this week. All of my tasks will get done with plenty of time this week. I am so excited to achieve my goals this week. I am growing as a person this week.

What is an affirmation worksheet? ›

Positive Affirmation Worksheet. Programming your subconscious by repeating positive statements with focus, intention and belief is a technique called positive affirmations. This Worksheet will walk you through the process of creating your own positive affirmations. Releasing Negative Feelings.

Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

"I am" affirmations refer to affirmations that start with the words "I am." It is basically the most powerful type.

What is the most powerful word of affirmation? ›

10 Powerful, positive words of affirmation to say every day
  • I have all the strength and confidence within me that I need to succeed. ...
  • Everything in life happens for me. ...
  • The most essential thing is that I learn something. ...
  • Nothing can stop me from achieving what I want. ...
  • I am awesome. ...
  • I'm making today count.
Feb 20, 2024

What are 5 positive statements? ›

I have control over my thoughts and feelings. I treat others with respect. I practice patience and understanding with others and myself. I choose to smile and enjoy life to the fullest.

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What are positive affirmations to say each morning? ›

I'm so excited to do amazing things today. I feel ready to take on today and make it the best day it can be. I'm choosing to think positively and make decisions that allow me to have the best day. I'm an amazing and confident person who knows what's best for me.

What is a weekly affirmation? ›

Affirmations are phrases or statements that, when you repeat them regularly (either out loud or to yourself), can shift negative thought patterns and promote positive thinking, self-esteem, and motivation.

What is my positive affirmation for today? ›

I take care of my mind, body, and spirit. I am growing stronger each day. Today, I will be my authentic self. The world is a better place because I'm in it.

How to do positive affirmations correctly? ›

How to Write an Affirmation Statement
  1. Think about the areas of your life that you'd like to change. For instance, do you wish that you had more patience? ...
  2. Be sure that your affirmation is credible and achievable. ...
  3. Turn negatives into positives. ...
  4. Write your affirmation in the present tense. ...
  5. Say it with feeling.

Which of the following is the best example of an affirmation? ›

Some examples of positive affirmations are: I am confident. I am confident socially and enjoy meeting new people. I am naturally self-confident and comfortable with myself and these are just parts of who I am.

What are affirmation questions? ›

So here are the 7 questions and the one important affirmation:
  • What did I eat today?
  • Did I meditate?
  • Did I exercise?
  • Did I tell myself the truth?
  • Did I use my gifts?
  • Did I use my resources wisely?
  • Did I practice my values?
Mar 27, 2019

What is an affirmation lesson plan? ›

In this lesson plan, Students will create their own positive self-talk statements using “affirmation stations” to help them optimize for learning and cultivate a growth mindset to build emotional resilience and mental fortitude through challenging moments in school, home, or life.

What are 3 positive self talk quotes? ›

Keith Burton
  • "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all."
  • "If you don't think you can do something, then you won't even try. ...
  • "I'm not perfect, but I'm doing my best."
  • "I can do no great things. ...
  • "Life is what you make it."
  • "If you can make it through the bad times, you can make it through the good."
Jan 7, 2022

What is a positive mantra to start the day? ›

I am listening for the wisdom from within. I have the power to create change. I am in charge of how I feel and today I choose happiness. Everything is always working out for my highest good.

How can I make my daily affirmations more powerful? ›

The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It's useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in your notifications!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon as you engage in the negative thought or behavior that you want to overcome.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.